Federation of Professional Associations (FPA)

The Federation of Professional Associations (FPA) is a grouping of professional “white collar” workers established under the umbrella of Amicus. These managerial/professional associations have a membership of about 45,000 in the UK and in 2009 ESPA affiliated to the FPA becoming the first Republic of Ireland affiliate to the group.

The practical value of such a Federation is to cater for those in professional and managerial roles and to accommodate those in senior positions within their respective companies as active trade unionists.

Given that their issues, both from a Human Resources and Industrial Relations point of view, are often quite different from other employees it is important for managers and professionals to have a separate and independent voice within their company and indeed within their Trade Union.   The constituent associations, including ESPA, are committed to preserving the FPA model within the structures of Unite.

 ESPA also sees it as a growth area within modern companies and it is ESPA’s aim to nourish and develop the FPA concept over the coming years in ESB and other companies in Ireland.

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