Chairman's Welcome
Welcome to the ESPA website which plays an important role in building effective communications streams with our members and is also a very useful tool to distribute information of collective importance within the energy industry and to our stakeholders.
The year 2011 is a challenging one for all staff within ESB Group. Cost base issues, transmission assets ownership, and indeed the future of ESB Group as a Vertically Integrated Utility are all facing us in the coming months. ESPA will engage on all fronts and will keep our members up-to-date so that they make informed decisions.
ESPA is fully committed to Performance Management System now and into the future.
We hope this website is user-friendly, easily navigable and accessible – however we all own this so please give us feedback about how you see it and about how we can improve it further. Above all encourage others to use it - it makes sense for everybody and it means a better service for you.
Adrian Harney
Chairman 2011/2012.