Who can join

ESPA represents energy professionals in ESB Group, EirGrid and Endesa Ireland.

If any one (or more) of the following applies to you, then we can represent you:

  • You hold a third level qualification equivalent to NQAI Level 7 or higher (example - an Ordinary Degree in Engineering).
  • You are an Ordinary Member of an approved Professional Institution (see list below).
  • You are employed in a managerial or supervisory role at a grade equivalent to ESB Grade 334 / Level J or higher.

If you are not sure if you are eligible to join or not, please feel free to contact us.


  • Engineers Ireland (IEI)
  • Institute of Engineering and Technology
  • Institute of Chemistry of Ireland
  • Irish Computer Society
  • Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland
  • Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants (ACCA)
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