Why join ESPA?

Being a member gives you a voice

In these difficult times ESB Group, EirGird and Endesa Ireland are under significant economic and political pressure, and by extension so are our terms and conditions of employment.  Decisions are being made that, as individual, you have little or no influence over.  However, working collectively as ESPA we can let the consensus view of engineers and professionals in our companies be heard.

Being a member gives you information

Joining ESPA gives you access to a network of professionals in your area working for the benefit of you and your colleagues. Do you have questions about your pay scale, your terms and conditions of employment, your pension, expenses claims or any other work-related matter? Get confidential, independent and impartial advice from your local ESPA Sub-Branch – you may not be the only person in your situation. A problem shared is a problem more quickly resolved.

Being a member gives you support

 If you ever experience difficulties at work and need support or advice, ESPA is there to help its members. Whether you need information from your local ESPA Sub-Branch or if you feel you require the services of our Professional Staff Representative, we offer that additional layer of support to help resolve any work-related issues you may have.

Being a member gets you involved

ESB, EirGrid and Endesa Ireland are excellent companies to work for. ESPA has been deeply involved over many years in constructive engagement with management to make sure that this is the case. You too can help ensure that ESB, EirGrid and Endesa Ireland remain great places to work as you develop your career here - get involved in your local ESPA Sub-Branch. We gladly welcome any new members willing to make a positive and constructive contribution to the areas in which they work.

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